
Brehm Foundation seeks to:

Create Opportunity

Create equality of opportunity by providing access to services, recreational options and other resources needed to fulfil potential.

Identify Social Issues

Identify and address social issues and challenges with a view to creating a sense of individual and communal responsibility in solving such problems.

Create Awareness and Advocate

Increase knowledge and awareness of issues that affect the community and advocate for the right of the vulnerable and provide evidence-based solutions that will help to combat issues.

Build Confidence and Partnership

Build and develop confidence, empowering members of the community to engage with and support the issues identified. Work in partnership with supporting bodies and organisations to deliver practical measures required to meet the assessed needs of the community.

Supporting initiatives that uplift vulnerable groups and promote social development in Ghana.

Brehm Foundation is committed in the mission to support initiatives that uplift and empower vunerable individuals and communities by fostering social development, promoting equity, and advocating for the rights of those most in need in the society.

We believe that investing in education, health and community development through livelihood empowerment programs, we can help create a brighter future for the most vunerable, break the cycle of poverty, and improve the quality life and well-being of our communities.

Jacqueline Brehm
Executive Director

Menstrual hygiene and health campaign program. Brehm Foundation| International Day of the Girl Child